The history of this next coffee and its farmer, Dr. Juan Bibiloni, is very interesting. To give them a historical context, the Bibiloni planted a flag in Puerto Rico in 1917 when many Spaniards left Europe due to the agricultural boom in America.
The first Bibiloni to arrive were John's grandfather and great-uncle. Upon settling in Puerto Rico, like many other immigrants, they decided to get involved in agriculture and began working for a Spanish agricultural company called Márquez y Compañía. During their stay as agricultural workers in said company, they learned everything related to agriculture.
Over the years they created a very close relationship with the owners. The Márquez family decided to return to Spain for economic purposes and when they left the island, they divided the 2,000 cuerdas of land between the family and trusted employees. José Bibiloni Pou, Juan's great-uncle, keeps about 600 cuerdas. Due to unfortunate events, such as natural disasters, the farm lost its production and it was not until 1975 that Dr. Bibiloni's father developed it again, but he got sick in 1980 and was lost again.

Dr. Bibiloni, coffee grower and owner of Idilio coffee from Jayuya.
On the other hand, due to his impetus to develop agriculture in Puerto Rico, Dr. Bibiloni recovered the farm in 1998 and began to buy additional land on the farm from the heirs of his great-uncle until he recovered 560 cuerdas. This farm today is called Finca La Carmen in honor of his beloved mother.
At Finca La Carmen, they seek to produce a coffee that can be marketed as a specialty coffee from Puerto Rico. They have a great goal of improving all the processes of the coffee chain, especially fermentation in processing. They also want to optimize the flavors that Puerto Rican coffee can deliver due to its microclimates.

Idilio coffee roaster at Finca La Carmen.
"Café Idilio was born out of the family affair that coffee represents. You can lose everything, but you will have no doubt that you will plant it again. Coffee is culture and represents resilience, a future. It is a lifestyle. It is not just producing volume, is to produce a high quality product", Dr. Bibiloni, Coffee Grower of Café Idilio
Café Idilio is, without a doubt, a source of pride for the Puerto Rican coffee industry and we will soon have it. This honors us very much. If you are a lover of latte or colao' coffee, either filtered or Drip, it is an excellent coffee to try.
For more information or to purchase Café Idilio, please click here.
Alexander Forina Alfonso
Quisiera saber si venden Cafe de Especialidad en grano verde.
Estamos interesados en introducirlo en el Mercado Europeo donde estamos con oficina en Berlin.
En los ùltimos cuatro años lo hemos desarrollado con Cafe de Mexico.
Me encantaria tambièn promover el Cafè de Puerto Rico en otras naciones fuera de Europa.
Me encantaria recibir noticias para refrrir a la oficina en Berlin.
Atentamente. Alexander Forina Alfonso
Tel. Cel. (787) 209-8529
Quisiera saber si venden Cafe de Especialidad en grano verde.
Estamos interesados en introducirlo en el Mercado Europeo donde estamos con oficina en Berlin.
En los ùltimos cuatro años lo hemos desarrollado con Cafe de Mexico.
Me encantaria tambièn promover el Cafè de Puerto Rico en otras naciones fuera de Europa.
Me encantaria recibir noticias para refrrir a la oficina en Berlin.
Atentamente. Alexander Forina Alfonso
Tel. Cel. (787) 209-8529
Margie Schuck
Tremenda historia la finca de mi abuelo. Saludos!
Tremenda historia la finca de mi abuelo. Saludos!
José Javier Muñiz
Se puede visitar la hacienda? Cuáles son los horarios si es el caso?
Se puede visitar la hacienda? Cuáles son los horarios si es el caso?
Lilia Figueroa Ricard
Quiero comprar ese cafe dr. , tu siempre amiga del RCM Exito
Quiero comprar ese cafe dr. , tu siempre amiga del RCM Exito
Interesó poder comprar café en grano!!
Interesó poder comprar café en grano!!
John Jiménez Agosto
He tenido el privilegio de probarlo hace algún tiempo y es de calidad verdaderamente de especialidad…
Sin duda excepcional!!!
He tenido el privilegio de probarlo hace algún tiempo y es de calidad verdaderamente de especialidad…
Sin duda excepcional!!!